Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Some Summer tips

Reduce Risks from High Winds

Summer storms can bring damaging winds. To protect yourself and your property some recommend permanent storm shutters made of aluminum or steel that can be easily closed when a storm approaches.
Attached structures can be particularly vulnerable to high winds.

Taping Windows Won't Protect Against Storm Damage

Many people believe the myth that duct tape or window film can protect windows during storms. They don’t. Instead, protect windows with shutters, wood or another solid material.

Monthly Reminder
  • Check the outside of your home for maintenance needs.
  • Does it need a new coat of paint?
  • Does the brick or stucco have cracks that should be repaired?
  • Is the material chipping or crumbling?
  • Are areas around windows and doors in need of caulking?
Regular maintenance can prevent water damage, rot and mold, and prevent the need for costly repairs in the future.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It can happen .............

Whether your house flooded, sustained wind damage or was struck by lightning, the aftermath of a storm can pose serious dangers. 

Live power lines, mold and open areas of your house can all put you at risk. It's wise to leave your house until you're able to evaluate the damage. 

Consider going to an emergency shelter, staying with friends and family or staying at a hotel until you're able to get an inspector to your home. 

Take a few day's worth of clothing and supplies if possible, but prioritize safety above collecting your possessions. Your insurance company might provide someone to inspect your home for safety hazards, or you may need to hire someone, but in either case, you should have your home checked for hazards before you return.

If your property is a victim of storm damage call the experts at 1st Response. You will Always talk with a live person and we will handle your repairs from start to finish. (740) 345-4911 or visit our website at